Tips for sleep

Newborns are not aware of day and night as they do not produce enough melatonin. Therefore, they need frequent feedings and parents can work on teaching healthy sleep habits but should refrain from formal sleep training.until 4-6 months of age. At about 3 months of age babies start making melatonin and this leads to a better sleep cycle.

4 to 6 months of age - This is a great age to begin sleep training. At this age, babies are comfortable without being fed for 6 or more hours through the night.

7-9 months of age -  Babies’ drop down to two naps at this age and that often helps nighttime sleep last longer.

10-12 months of age -  By this age, healthy little ones are no longer needing to eat overnightand can sleep 10-12 hours a night.

How Much Should Babies Sleep?

Typically, a baby should get 14 to 17 hours of sleep a day until four months and 12 to 15 hours until one year of age. However, a baby younger than seven months may sleep for up to 19 hours, depending on their need for rest. Nevertheless, since they have small stomachs, they usually wake up every two to three hours to be fed in the first couple of weeks.

Why Do Babies Sleep So Much?

Sleeping promotes brain development, neural network building, and behavioral formation, and since infanthood is a period of considerable growth, babies spend most of their time sleeping.

• Growth spurts: An infant’s brain produces the human growth hormone (HGH) while asleep. Hence, if the baby takes frequent naps in the day and sleeps for longer at night, they may be having a growth spurt

How Do You Develop A Proper Sleep Schedule?

Here are some ways to inculcate good sleeping habits
• Ensure the baby is well fed before going to sleep. Underfed babies may sleep excessively due to a lack of energy.
• Place the child in bed when they are sleepy but not yet asleep. It helps them learn to fall asleep on their own.
• Ensure the baby sleeps on their back for sufficient oxygen supply and to aid digestion.
• Follow a nighttime routine to help the baby understand it is time to sleep.
• Create a sleep schedule and follow it regularly to help the baby fall into a sleep pattern.

• Give them a pacifier during bedtime to reduce restlessness, but avoid letting them sleep with a bottle, which increases the risk of cavities and choking.

Sleep 3 – 6 months

Baby sleep

Babies vary a lot in the amount of sleep they need. Between the age of 3 and 6 months, some babies have 2 or 3 longish sleeps during the day, while others just have short naps. A few sleep 12 hours at night without interruption, some manage 8 hours while many others wake fairly regularly for feeds. Most have learned to sleep more at night than they do during the day.

If you are happy with your baby’s sleep pattern, there is no need to change it. There are many ways to be ‘normal’.

Responding to your baby’s cues of when she needs to sleep, play, feed, or be cuddled, is important in helping develop secure attachment.

Sleeping baby in a safe cot next to the parents' bed for the first 6 to 12 months reduces the risk of sudden unexpected death in infancy, including SIDS, as long as the room is smoke free.

This topic may use 'he' and 'she' in turn – please change to suit your child's gender.

Daytime and night time patterns

By this age your baby will be starting to learn about the difference between day and night.

• You can help your baby get into a daytime pattern. After he has had a feed, play with him for a while, so that he does not go to sleep straight after a feed. Babies who go to sleep straight after a feed may get into the pattern of needing a feed at night to go back to sleep.

• Watch your baby for signs that he is tired, or for signs that he wants to play, so that the pattern best meets his needs. Signs include: Yawning, rubbing eyes, looking away and not making eye contact, tired eyes and seeking comfort as in sucking fingers and self soothing. 

• There are lots of things that you can do during play time at this age, such as cuddles, a walk, time on the floor or in a baby seat with toys, going shopping, or visiting.

• These play times will help your baby to learn that daytime is the time to be awake.

• During the day, your baby will usually have 2 or 3 sleeps. It is a good idea not to let him sleep for too long (perhaps no more than 2 hours) especially late in the day, as he may not sleep as long during the night. You may want to wake him gently when you see him stirring.

• At night time, do not have play times – keep feed times ‘boring’ and settle him straight back to sleep.

Ideas for settling and soothing

• Place your baby on her back in the bassinet or cot. There should be nothing else in there. No blankets, pillows, toys - nothing! 

• Pat your baby, or jiggle the cot in a regular rhythm. You may need to pat or rock quickly at first, then slow down as your baby calms down. Stop before your baby goes to sleep.

• Sing to your baby. Other regular noises such as the washing machine or dryer can help.

• You could darken the room for night sleeps. Day sleep could be in a brighter, noisier place – but if this does not work try the darker, quieter place.

• Some babies settle better if wrapped fairly firmly in a thin muslin blanket with the arms wrapped in too, while others do not like this, and settle better if they can use their hands to soothe themselves. The wrap should not be too tight and must allow chest wall, hip and leg movement.

• If your baby has reached the rolling over milestone, wrapping is not recommended as it may lead to suffocation. It is safer to use a sleep sac with both arms out.

• Your baby will learn about going to sleep more quickly if you try to use the same settling ideas each time, day or night. Singing, reading a story, bathing, massage, putting baby in the sleep sac and dimming lights are some suggestions. You can have a routine. For example -  massage, bath, dim lights, feed, sleep sac, sing and put baby down before he is asleep to allow him to self soothe and get himself to sleep. This is important as babies will wake up in the night and if they can self soothe they can go back to sleep without fussing. 

Night time
It is still normal for babies to have feeds during the night.
• You could try a ‘late feed’ or ‘sleepy feed’ at about 10pm, before you go to bed, and this may help your baby to sleep longer. Disturb her as little as possible. Lift her without fully waking her and feed.
• Some babies start waking again at night when their appetite increases. This extra feed increases the breast milk supply. They usually settle again when they are having more food.
• Babies have some ‘growing’ times when they are more fussy

Look after yourself
• Broken sleep makes everyone exhausted and irritable.
• Ask for help from family and friends.
• Get some rest during the day.
• Take a short break from parenting now and then.
• Try to get some regular exercise.

You will get lots of advice. Some people may suggest that you let your baby ‘cry it out’ or that you use controlled crying/comforting. This is not good for babies. Babies need you to respond when they need you. This helps them to feel safe and secure and builds confidence. 


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